2015 Data Report (most recent)

This report was generated by our Data Review Committee. It presents suicide-related data from recent years, including 2015. This report was released in January 2017. This information includes the numbers and rates of suicide deaths in each county and the days of the week and months of the year when suicides took place. The report also shows categories of people who completed suicide: by age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, and veteran status, as well as the means used to complete suicide. SPTF hopes that by understanding more about those who die by suicide, we will be better able to direct our efforts to prevent deaths by suicide in our two counties.

This report was written by Sander Valyocsik (External Evaluator, Societas Inc.), with additional writing and support from the members of the Tulare and Kings Counties Suicide Prevention Task Force's Data Review Committee: Katie Arnst (Program Manager, Kings County Behavioral Health), Dr. Karen Haught (Tulare County Public Health Officer), Jacqueline Johnson (Supervising Public Health Nurse, Kings County Public Health), Brenda Johnson-Hill (Executive Director - Kings County Programs, Kings View Behavioral Health Systems), and Dr. Sharon Minnick (Tulare County Epidemiologist).